These are some of the resources for dialogue that I have created over the past several years. I update this page regularly with new resources, so bookmark it and check back!
You are welcome to use any of these materials and to share them with your students and colleagues! Please do not remove any attributions (to me or to other educators and scholars).
I would love to hear from you about how you are using and adapting these resources! Please reach out to me at with your feedback and suggestions for current and future resources.
Preparing for Dialogue
Planning for Dialogue
Facilitating Dialogue
Topics-Based Resources
Related Pedagogies and Frameworks
“Decolonizing Dialogue” SNF Paideia Blog Series (Fall 2021)
Paulo Freire and Dialogue as “Existential Necessity” for Liberation
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence by Derald Wing Sue
Moving Mindfully through Difficult Dialogues with Beth Berila
The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop by Felicia Rose Chavez
Stop Talking by Ilarion Merculieff and Libby Roderick
Inclusive Freedom as a Framework for Campus Speech by Sigal Ben-Porath